Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Supporting Team During Crisis Times: A Guide For HR Managers!

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."  This old saying stands for every HR manager who is facing a crisis today. A difficult time reveals the truest form of a leader as it throws unpredicted challenges at him or her. In this case, an HR manager should be effective, focused, and steady to support the entire team transition through a crisis. 

The ongoing crisis with insurmountable losses of human lives has not only affected start-ups but also well-established big businesses. Both employers and HR managers are struggling to survive this huge economic impact of COVID-19. Fortunately, technology and innovation are helping numerous businesses. It is also worth noting that more and more employers are searching “payroll management software India” now. Such software literally plays a vital role in not only business recovery but also future growth post a crisis. 

So, here are some effective tips for managers to sail through a crisis constructively.

Be Bold & Proactive 

No matter how bad a crisis is, it is very important for managers to remain agile and proactive. They should be the ones who make decisions as quickly as possible instead of worrying about the whole situation or consequences. 

Taking actions at the right time can be a bit challenging but a good leader is always brave enough to own up to his or her decisions.

Diversify Team & Create Task Forces 

Dealing with a pandemic that is impacting every sector of business requires some smart planning. A manager should first create multi-disciplinary teams or task forces who can adapt, collaborate, and make decisions efficiently. 

Building such networks of teams help HR managers to mobilize his or her organization better and urge rapid problem solving and execution within the workforce. 

Improve Effective Communication

Just like a captain of a ship, a manager has the primary duty to steer his or her company through rough waters. This is the main reason why everybody looks up to managers for guidance or reassurance, especially during a crisis. 

With the help of a smooth, transparent, and effective communication, every manager can easily influence the mood of an organization. 

Furthermore, he or she can also efficiently navigate the emotions of every employee in a constructive manner. This way, one can easily shift the environment from shock & panic to acceptance & optimism, during tough times.

Be Empathetic & Supportive 

This is the time when every manager out there should put their feet in employees’ shoes and try thinking from their perspective. 

It is a crucial duty of HR professionals to deal with employees with great compassion and empathy. This will not just help a manager to understand employees’ point of view but also help employees to be their most productive selves even during tough times. 

Compassion and empathy go a long way that builds employee loyalty towards both the manager and the company. 

Health & Emotional Well-being 

The health and safety of employees should be equally considered, particularly when there is a pandemic across the globe. 

HR managers should keep employees motivated, thus reducing their stress and workload. Using the right HRIS software in India, managers can send appreciative messages, badges, and even have light-hearted candid chats to know their emotional wellbeing.


Let’s admit, no leader has all the answers/solutions. Hence, it is alright to echo one’s vulnerabilities in front of employees and ask for feedback. 

Managers should consistently coordinate with employees to figure out what’s working and what can be improved in such a  difficult time. This will help HR managers to make processes more seamless. Again, go for one of the best HRIS software India to make this step easy and quick. 

The present situation is one of the biggest problems experienced in recent history. 

Nevertheless, the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the constructive reaction of leaders towards this pandemic, will help their companies in the long run. 

Also, search “payroll management software India” and rely on the best HRIS software in India to make things easier and efficient.